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Los Angeles Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Los Angeles Clergy Sexual Abuse LawyerFinding out that your child has suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a clergy member is devastating. In addition to the trauma your child has experienced, you must grapple with the knowledge that an institution you trusted deeply has betrayed your family in the worst way. Unfortunately, these institutions often go to great lengths to protect perpetrators, which is where we come in to help.

The Los Angeles clergy sexual abuse lawyers at DeWitt Algorri & Algorri, LLP are committed to helping families like yours seek justice.

With decades of experience in client advocacy, the team at DeWitt Algorri & Algorri, LLP has built a name in personal injury law. Our team has a vast body of experience, including settlement negotiations and trial preparation, giving us the knowledge needed to tackle cases just like yours.

DeWitt Algorri & Algorri serves all of Los Angeles from our office in Pasadena near Pasadena Memorial Park. You can find us at 25 Union Street in Pasadena, ready to help you with sensitive & complex clergy abuse cases. Find out how we can help by calling us at 855-WINNING (946-6464) of filling out a confidential contact form.

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I have had the pleasure of knowing Ernie Algorri of DeWitt Algorri & Algorri, LLP for well over 25 years. Over these years Mr. Algorri has counseled me on numerous legal issues affecting me and my family.
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Sexual Abuse in Religious Organizations

Sexual abuse in religious organizations is not a new topic; it’s happened for as long as religious institutions have existed. However, after hundreds of years of victims being shamed into silence or even blamed for their experiences, lawmakers and advocates are demanding change. Cases have been reported across all denominations and settings, reaching Christian-adjacent organizations like the YMCA as well as some of the largest denominations in the United States, such as the Catholic Church. Other facilities with a shocking amount of reported sexual abuse cases include the Mormon church—often known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—and Southern Baptist institutions.

Victims were forced into silence for far too long. Even now, that culture of silence persists in many religious organizations. When children do speak up and their parents bring abuse to the notice of leadership, leadership may respond in truly immoral and unethical ways.

They may blame the child for “putting themselves in that position,” blame the parents for impugning the good name of a church leader, or try to convince the family that their recollections are inaccurate. In many cases, families of abused children have been iced out and excommunicated from the church, stripping them of the community they need to move through this type of trauma.

How Child and Adult Abuse Victims Can Demand Accountability

People of all ages may be affected; in fact, new laws in California allow victims to file a lawsuit up until the age of 40. Prior to 2020, when Assembly Bill 218 went into effect, victims only had until the age of 26 to report abuse and demand justice.

Another law, Assembly Bill 506, aims to protect children from sexual abuse at the hands of clergy members and others who serve in leadership positions in children’s organizations. This law requires these organizations to fingerprint all employees, child-serving volunteers, and trustees. They must then be run through a background check administered by the California Department of Justice. Employees and volunteers must also be trained in abuse prevention. Policies and procedures must be put in place to prevent even the appearance of abuse—for example, two adults being present during any activity with children. Unfortunately, reports from among churches indicate that a shocking amount of churches are not yet in compliance with this law.

Who’s Affected by Clergy Sexual Abuse?

Statistics indicate that clergy sexual abuse continues to be an issue, both in Los Angeles and throughout the United States. Three insurance companies received over 7,000 clergy sexual abuse claims over a 20-year period; how many other claims were reported to other insurance companies or weren’t reported at all? Offenders are most likely to be male clergy members or youth pastors, and children are most likely to be targeted on church grounds or at the offender’s home. While certain denominations are overrepresented in abuse statistics, it’s clear that sexual abuse occurs in all denominations and faith groups.

Get the Support and Justice You Deserve—Call DeWitt Algorri & Algorri

We understand that your family may still be reeling from the discovery of sexual abuse by those you trusted most. You deserve justice for what your family has gone through, and we’re here to guide you through the process with compassion and tact. Reach out to our team online or call us at 855-WINNING (946-6464) now.

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